Sunday, August 28, 2016

Independent Baby


I am starting to learn to do things for myself. No longer will I need Thing 1 and Thing 2 at my constant beck and call. 


 I was able to hold my own bottle this weekend while hanging out with grandma. Look out! soon enough I will be able to sit up or something. 

Dad and I dressed up together Saturday for the Lions game. We did not get to watch it and according to mom that was a good thing? People tell me I should be a fan of the packers but I am sorry. Green does not go that well with these blue eyes.      HARD PASS!

I also go to watch doggies jump into a large pool this weekend. HOW COOL! They splashed around and pooped on the ground. What a life they live. Grandma, grandpa, dad and I all went to visit mom as she worked. I got the best view on my dad's shoulders unlike the other kids using their tip toes. 

This is what it would look like if I were an evil villain in a movie plotting a silly scheme. 
Give me all your milk and smiles. 

I got to hang out with grandma a lot this weekend as dad and grandpa went to the baseball game and mom had to work all weekend. We went shopping and took naps and spent time outside. Here, I was trying to take a selfie but pressed the wrong button on the iPad. Does anyone else do that?

I am still not sure who this guy is or how he got in our home?!

I am getting a lot better at holding up on head but still cannot roll over when I am on my tummy. 
I have a secret..........
I like bananas. 

1 comment:

  1. "No longer will I need Thing 1 and Thing 2 at my constant beck and call" And so it begins until around age 16. Hang on. It's gonna be a bumpy ride. But thanks to Molly, a very cute ride!
    NICE POST! :-)
    ......... Richard
