Sunday, January 29, 2017

Relaxed Weekend

I cough cough had a tough weekend of not feeling well. I took lots of medicine* and had lots of snuggle time with my mom and dad this weekend. That is how sick I was. I even snuggled with my mom and dad on Saturday and Sunday. My parents keep telling me that I am getting teeth in. I already have two. I like these two. How many more am I going to get?

*I know you guys snuck the medicine into my food. I KNOW IT

Mom and I sent a message to my friend, Clara Ray. Mom reads me stories of Clara from time to time and we pray for her. I hope that she feels better. It sounds like she is a lot more sick than I. I hope she feels better so maybe we can see each other and play.

I am working on my hair for my birthday party. Good start so far?

I know my party is far away for a lot of people so if you can't make it, don't sweat it. You can send me a letter. I will open them when I turn 18. Maybe there will be flying cars by then.

Molly Ehlke
N82W13262 Fond du Lac Avenue 
Apartment 7
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dear Molly,

Hey Grandpa, you read this right? You're so into the internet now...thanks for this hat you sent me!

Happy Birthday to my Great-grandma Judy on Wednesday. Remember this time we hung out and I did not cry?

Speaking of birthdays, my parents have set something up for my big day. Since most will not be able to see me on my first birthday they are trying something neat they found from cousin Vanessa. 

People can send me a letter!!!

I can't open them until I am 18.  Will they even have real mail then?? What a mystery.

Letters can be sent to: 

Molly Ehlke 
N82W13262 Fond du Lac Avenue
Apartment 7
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

Hope to hear from you soon...or like 17 years from now. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017


I turned 11-months-old this past week. Here is an update on what my likes and dislikes are since I am almost the big O.N.E.

-Walking when anyone holds my hands.
- Eating tons of food. 
- Taking piles of things and throwing them around. 
- Throwing things off my highchair and onto the ground. 
- Putting things in my mouth that my 'rents say are not food. 
- Checking my investments to ensure they are diversified. 
- Dancing with mom in the mirror. 
- Love playing peak-a-boo. 
- Checking the strength of my new teeth by biting and ripping things a part. 
- Taking bathroom selfies with mom. 
- Bedtime. 
- The boogieman/boogiemen.
- Bottles.
- Sitting up on my own. 
- Waiting on food. 
- Baby doll. 
- Having my hair did. Unless I have something to play with.
- Learning sign language. 

This weekend I got to hang with grandma and aunt Erin. They came for a baby shower that I did not go to. I hung with my dad and cousin John.  I am starting to like hanging out with people that are not my mom and dad. It takes a moment for me to realize that they are not burglars.  

I got to see my cousin Asher, James and Candice this weekend. We played with blocks and had books read to us. Uncle Tom was impressed with how nice we took a photo...ummm Uncle Tom, we have two photo pros right here!! Asher and myself.  It was great to catch up over lunch. 

I am excited about my new coat. Look at me try and fly like a bird. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Dentist

This week I had my two little buds (haha get it?) checked out at the dentist. I had Dr. Bell look over my mouth. Great news, no cavities!  I wish my folks would have told me we were going. I would have liked to hit a little mouth wash, I just ate a whole thing of squash before. Yuckcity (Pop. Me) 
Speaking of meeting new people in the medical field; I met Dr. Erika D this past week. It was your typical gals night-- dinner, drinks, (next round of milk on me gals!) Came home and tried out bath bombs and gossiped. She told me little Leah D has the same book about Pigeon finding a hot dog, can you believe it?!?! Small world. 

I have had lots of dinner with ladies lately. I spent some girl time over Christmas vaca with Alicea. My dad's friend's wife. She is way cooler than Jeff or at least that is what my dad says a lot. 

Dad and I are excited to watch the Lions in the playoffs* this year. Wow! playoffs the first year I have been a fan of this team. Is this what it's like every year? If so, sign me up!

*Editors Note. Molly did not stay up to watch the game and watch the Lions lose. She still doesn't know and it will be explained to her when she is 18. 

Sunday, January 1, 2017


This past week has been a nightmare. A pink nightmare. 

My parents have been hyping up this thing called Christmas for the past month. I have to admit that I have been getting excited. It sounded so cool. Fun treats, presents, the birth of Jesus and going to Michigan to see all my grandmas and grandpas. I should mention that when I signed up for this whole Christmas thing that I am not good with large groups. In fact they terrify me. I saw so many people this weekend that, fun fact, are a fan of my blog, I PANICKED. I cried and I cried and would not let mom or dad out of my sight. The only one who could hold me was aunt Heather. I was so scared to see everyone. 

This is what it would look like if grandma, grandpa, cousin Noah and I were a totem pole. 
I did get used to the idea of ripping the paper off some pretty cool toys and clothes. To be honest I like the paper more I can tear it, crumble it, eat it or simply throw it at dad. 

I did get used to Izzo being on the floor. He even licked me once. I needed a wipe right away. 
I got this cute baby doll from Santa Claus for Christmas. I have not named her yet. What should her name be? Leave me your suggestion in the comments. 

Look at this cool hat cousin Autumn got for me to wear. She was not there for Christmas and that made me kinda sad. I was really looking forward to some girl cousin time. 

Mom and dad let me stay up until 8:45 P.M. on New Years Eve. We went to church and then we came home and par-tayed. My New Year's resolutions are to walk, talk and maybe try hot dogs.  I am currently reading a book about hot dogs. I hear it's a taste sensation.