Sunday, February 19, 2017

Old Baby

Being one is weird. I drink from a sippy cup now instead of having a cup brought to my face. I am now using a walker to move around. The most horrible thing happen when I was using it on Sunday. I tried to take a step back and I fell over on my butt. That's not the worst part! I held onto the walker and it fell on my face. I HATE WALKING!

I do admit that wearing shirts is fun. Check out my cool Beatles T. I was so rock and roll for daycare. I even had a cute black head band to match.

I got to celebrate a holiday I have celebrated before. I was able to celebrate Valentine's Day on Tuesday at Jill's House. It was so cool. I passed out Disney Princess valentines to everyone. I got so many valentines back too. Mom and dad took away all the candy I got. I guess I am not old enough to enjoy M&Ms. Um, I did have cake TWICE last week. I think I can handle chocolate.

Oh my gosh! I forgot. I went to the doctor's office this week. Ugh. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE  seeing all my friends there. Jennifer and Dr. Barkimer are very nice to me. I was able to show them how well I pull myself up and that I can swish my hair around on my head. I thought I put on a pretty good show. Wrong. I was then given 4 shots. Four. In my legs. Gosh, those stung for a while. I cried so much. I guess I have to go back in three months. Maybe I can pretend I am sick to skip it.

It has been so nice outside lately that I get to take walks. Well, I am pushed around in my stroller but if I kick my legs fast enough it looks like I am walking. I went on a walk on Friday with my mom and her friend, Melissa.  It's kinda of fun wearing shoes and walking around outside.

Speaking of it being nice out; I am going to be taking a break from the blog. I want to go out and play. I suppose it's time for me to ride off into the sunset....or be carried.

Don't worry friend-- I'll definitely check-in when really cool stuff happens but everyone knows the best stuff happens when you're out havin' fun!

Love you guys!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

First Birthday Party

I had my first birthday party. It was the So many of my friends and family came to our church to celebrate. They were so happy I made it a whole year. My buddies Luke and Micah came along with: my cousins Autumn and Noah, my uncles Scott with his girlfriend, Bethany, uncle Ryan, my grandmas Vickie and Kris and grandpas John and Terry, aunt Vicki and uncle Rick, Emma, Timmy and cousin Vanessa and Matt, Jenna and Tom, aunt Erin and her boyfriend Alex. They gave me so many cool gifts. I even got gifts from great-grandma Judy and aunt Vanessa and uncle Tom. 

I received some way-cool clothes and toys. Some neat blocks and this really cool chalk board highlighting my first year. 

Here are some of the photos from my party. 

 Saying hello to everyone 

 A small taste of the cake mom made for me. 

 One of my cakes held by my grandma Vickie 

 My cousin Autumn was not too thrilled with my eating habits on Saturday. 

 Dad! What is happening with all these cameras?

 Good luck trying to convince me that green beans are good. 

 Getting cleaned off by my grandpa and mom. How embarrassing to have this happen in front of my guests. 

 I had a great time with Timmy. It's always great to see him......

until I sneeze on him

They have been at so many of my events this past year. What great friends. 

This is our album cover. 

Me with grandpa, grandma, mom and cousin Autumn. 

Just for the record; they (my parents) were eating food that day too. They just didn't have a thousand photos taken of them eating. What's the big deal? Have you not had cake before? Geez!

The after-party was just as cool. We went to the hotel that grandma and grandpa Ehlke were staying at and there was the BIGGEST bath tub I have ever seen. So big that everyone was able to get in it at once. I did not want to leave. I had so much fun swimming with everyone.  

Thanks to everyone that made me feel super-special for my birthday. Thanks for Tom and aunt Vicki sharing their birthday with my party. 

I tried raisins this week too. They were ok. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Year One

 I turned my blog over this week to my parents. I am sure I will be properly ridiculed at daycare on Monday for this.

First year with Dad:

Becoming a dad is great. Now, when I am at stores and I speak out loud it's no longer, "Wow, look at that crazy person!" It's, "Wow! look at that very attentive father. He is so amazing."

Molly has been a wonderful delight. I have enjoyed so much watching her explore the world around her. Having a daddy-daughter day every Monday for a few months was exciting and challenging.

This photo was from the first week she was home. This is also the last time that I was able to fit a hat on her head over her hair. 

Becoming a dad has been everything I have always wanted. I don't think I could be an happier with my life. 

This is still my favorite photo I have taken on Molly. I am sure I will have a new favorite shortly. 

First Year with Mom:

I prefer mother.  Just kidding I'll take anything!! Mama, mommy, lady with the milk.  When Molly was around 3 or 4 months old she was saying Mamamamamama all the time. Now? Never.  Just Dadaddadada. But I digress.

I didn't really think that this year went by all that fast.  There were some really challenging times that slowed things down but now looking back at some of these photos where she is SOOOO small... it did.

I'm really surprised how much I love her.  I'm good at holding a grudge. (What? Sweet Melissa? You bet.) But Molly can cry all day and fidget around while I try to cut her nails and poop in the tub and hit my face; a moment later she can just give me a giggle and I'm not mad anymore. That's God at work right there.

Things I love to do with Molly: Dancing, walking around the house holding her hands, bath time, anything to get her to do her happy jumpy dance, making faces in the mirror, watching her muse at the simplest of things, picking her up from Jill's.

Things I don't really love doing with Molly: Trying to brush her teeth, trying to cut her nails, trying to comb her hair-- basic hygine-- carrying her carseat around.  Picking up her cup after she threw it on the floor 16 times, trying to keep _____ that doesn't belong in her mouth-- out of her mouth.  If you didn't think this section would be here I apologize, it ain't all sunshine. Just mostly.

Molly if you ever happen to read this down the line: I love you. So much.  I promise I will do everything I can to do what's best for you.  You might not always agree that it's best. I might make mistakes thinking it's best at the time.  I will try so hard for you to help you accomplish your dreams.  "For now let her sleep for when she wakes, she'll move mountains."