Sunday, February 19, 2017

Old Baby

Being one is weird. I drink from a sippy cup now instead of having a cup brought to my face. I am now using a walker to move around. The most horrible thing happen when I was using it on Sunday. I tried to take a step back and I fell over on my butt. That's not the worst part! I held onto the walker and it fell on my face. I HATE WALKING!

I do admit that wearing shirts is fun. Check out my cool Beatles T. I was so rock and roll for daycare. I even had a cute black head band to match.

I got to celebrate a holiday I have celebrated before. I was able to celebrate Valentine's Day on Tuesday at Jill's House. It was so cool. I passed out Disney Princess valentines to everyone. I got so many valentines back too. Mom and dad took away all the candy I got. I guess I am not old enough to enjoy M&Ms. Um, I did have cake TWICE last week. I think I can handle chocolate.

Oh my gosh! I forgot. I went to the doctor's office this week. Ugh. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE  seeing all my friends there. Jennifer and Dr. Barkimer are very nice to me. I was able to show them how well I pull myself up and that I can swish my hair around on my head. I thought I put on a pretty good show. Wrong. I was then given 4 shots. Four. In my legs. Gosh, those stung for a while. I cried so much. I guess I have to go back in three months. Maybe I can pretend I am sick to skip it.

It has been so nice outside lately that I get to take walks. Well, I am pushed around in my stroller but if I kick my legs fast enough it looks like I am walking. I went on a walk on Friday with my mom and her friend, Melissa.  It's kinda of fun wearing shoes and walking around outside.

Speaking of it being nice out; I am going to be taking a break from the blog. I want to go out and play. I suppose it's time for me to ride off into the sunset....or be carried.

Don't worry friend-- I'll definitely check-in when really cool stuff happens but everyone knows the best stuff happens when you're out havin' fun!

Love you guys!

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